Welcome Class of 2027!
On behalf of Bergen County Academies Parent Partnership Organization (BCAPPO), we welcome you to the BCA community. BCAPPO is a group of parent volunteers comprised of the PPO Board, Class Parents, and parent groups of the seven academies. We work with BCA administrators, teachers, and staff to benefit and support our school, families, and students.
Since tuition is free at BCA, the PPO collects a Student Activity Fee (SAF) on behalf of the school so that we can continue our tradition of hosting and subsidizing fun and informative events and club activities that will make your student's experience at BCA truly unique. These events are either educational for students and families or aimed at building community and boosting morale over the course of a demanding school year.
We hope that you will contribute by making a one-time, tax-deductible payment of a $500 Student Activity Fee (SAF). Secure funding will allow us to plan ahead to ensure that we can run events for all four years of your student's time in high school and develop new ideas for improving student life at BCA.
To claim your tax deduction, please contact us for details.
You can make annual payments of $140/year if you prefer
(see membership form) -
Pay by May 7, 2023 and we will include a
BCA Class of 2027 t-shirt.
The list of annual events that are generally covered or subsidized by SAF (subject to change due to price increases and administration approval) includes:
Senior Year Events
Senior Year Book
Cap and Gown
Senior Breakfast
Yearbook Signing Luncheon
Graduation Rehearsal Luncheon
Senior Award Scholarship & Ceremony
Senior Experience Luncheon
Graduation Reception
Other Events paid for or subsidized by the PPO
Pretzel Days
Career & Summer Fair
Field Day
Staff Appreciation Activities
BCA PPO Family Picnic
Hackathon or CS Olympics
ACT/SAT Practice Exams
National Honors Society
Financial Aid Info Events
Counselor Breakout Session
College Fair with Admissions Officers
Teacher Appreciation Luncheon
Welcome Back Breakfast
International Tasting Dinner
Research Expo
Unsung Heroes Luncheon
Student Activities (holiday treats, green ribbon day, etc.)